WIP: Reaper Karzoug, Rune Lord of Greed cont.

It’s been about a week since I got to work on this model, but the timeline got moved up a bit so now it’s time to do some serious work!

The first thing I did was use RMS Forest Green and RMS Moth Green to fix the wonky highlights. Then I used RMS Linen White to take the highlights further up and a GW Nuln Oil glaze to deepen the shadows.

Next I took VMC Deep Yellow and VMC Yellow Fluo mixed together to base coat the flames on the staff. I also base-coated the skin RMS Tanned Skin and washed it with RMS Flesh Wash. The skin was then highlighted with RMS Tanned Skin mixed with RMS Linen White.

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Posted on November 27, 2013, in Games Workshop, WIP and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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