WIP: Reaper Karzoug, Rune Lord of Greed cont.

Next I basecoated everything that was going to be silver with a nice medium grey. After that dried I painted those areas with a layer of VMA Gun Grey. Then I dry-brushed the flames with orange, and glazed the blade with the same orange. The next step for the flames was to dry-brush with VMC Carmine Red. I also used that color on the patterned part of the handle of the staff.

The staff part was then washed with GW Nuln Oil and then highlighted with a mix of VMC Carmine Red and RMS Pure White. The rest of the staff and other silver areas were also washed with GW Nuln Oil.

I painted the eyes with my usual RMS Linen White and RMS Pure Black. I also lined most of the cloth trim with VMC Deep Yellow. The gems on his hands and head were also painted at this point. Last the hair was painted black and highlited grey, and the metal was highlited with Vallejo Metallic Medium.

Here he is finished!

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Posted on November 28, 2013, in Reaper Miniatures, WIP and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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