WIP: Reaper Kickstarter Sophie cont.

I did some more work on Sophie’s wings. I shaded the darkest areas with a mix of VMC Purple, RMS Uniform Brown, RMS Midnight Blue, and RMS Stormy Grey.




Then I took a mix of VMC Purple, RMS Uniform Brown, and RMS Rosy Skin to fill in the mid tones a bit more. After, I added more and more RMS Rosy Skin to highlight the wings. I also washed her boots, shorts, and jacket with GW Nightshade and then GW Earthshade, and then I highlighted them with RMS Weathered Stone.



While I was working on this, my hubby was working on his Tomb Kings, which involved pulling arms off skeleton warrior spearmen.




I also sprayed the bike with VMA Aluminum, and began basecoating areas of it with RMS Pure Black.


Posted on December 17, 2013, in Games Workshop, Personal, Reaper Miniatures, WIP and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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