WIP: Games Workshop Chaos Daemon Prince Be’Lakor

I’ve started a project that I will be working on here and there as I find time in between other projects, commissions, etc: Be’Lakor.

I really love this model, and I got a good deal on a used metal one. Unfortunately, the used model was assembled and painted, so the first step was to soak it in Simple Green and then use a toothbrush to rub all the old paint off. He ended up soaking in the Simple Green a bit too long, and so the metal has a grey color to it, but that isn’t a problem.

After he had been stripped, it turned out that the previous owner used something I really can’t identify to paint (?) the model with in just a couple places. It was blue, as hard as glass, and completely obscured some details. The simple green had no effect on it, but I was able to crack it with small pliers and peel it off.

Buying used models is always a crap-shoot. Sometimes they were treated well, or nothing was done to them at all, and sometimes it’s the worst of the worst with an entire bottle of super glue at each joint and tons of caked-on paint applied haphazardly so that as many details as possible are completely hidden and even soaking in Simple Green doesn’t get it all off so I have to put tons of extra time (often several hours) into cleaning it off.

Here you can see some of the blue stuff:


Posted on December 31, 2013, in Games Workshop, WIP and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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