WIP: Reaper Aina Female Valkyrie cont.

The next step for Aina was her base. At first I put Red Oxide Paste on her base and painted it like earth, blending the rock in, but after that was done I decided I didn’t like it well enough. She needed something better. So, I painted the earth blue and white like water, and then I put Woodland Scenics Water Effects on it.

18 apply water effects to base 19


I gave that a few hours to dry, and when it was done I put a bit more white on some of the water, and here she is:

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At this point she is finished. I’ll post final pictures of her soon and update my For Sale! page with her information.

Posted on February 16, 2014, in For Sale, Reaper Miniatures, WIP and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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