How to Elven Ruins base

Recently I built Elven ruins bases for the High Elf Prince on Griffon I painted. Here’s how I did it:

1. The first step is to create the rocks and pieces of ruins from Sculpey. I used a Woodland Scenics rock mold to create the rocks by pressing Sculpey into parts of them, squishing it in until the part of the Sculpey not in the rock is pretty flat, and then bending the mold to peel out the newly formed rock. I also created a couple small Sculpey “bricks.” Then bake!


base tools 2

base tools 1




base 1

2. Next, I carved the Sculpey “bricks” into weathered stone with a craft knife.


base 2


base 3

3. The next step is to arrange the stones on the base and glue them on.

base 4


4. Then, I put Vallejo Red Oxide Paste (still love this stuff, although I could do without the red color) in the crevices and around edges. I also put various sizes of Woodland Scenics ballast on areas of the base. Weathered ruins and rocks are certainly accompanied by smaller rocks!

base 5

5. Prime the base! I used Vallejo Black Surface Primer.

base 6 primed black

6. Now for the fun part – painting! First, I coated the base in VGC Goblin Green.

base 7 vgc goblin green

7. Next I added some stone colors – RMS Bone Shadow then RMS Cloudy Grey.

base 8 rms bone shadow

base 9 rms cloudy grey

8. Next I used RMS Linen White on the ruins.

base 10 rms linen white

9. Then I used RMS Golden Shadow for more variation in color.

base 11 rms golden shadow


10. Now it’s time to wash the base. I used several colors – GW Athonian Camoshade, Army Painter Red Tone Ink, Army Painter Blue Tone Ink, Army Painter Green Tone Ink.

base 12 wash athonian camoshade red ink blue ink green ink

11. Next, drybrush the base with the colors used previously, as appropriate.

base 13 drybrush with colors used earlier

12. The next step is to put in the flight stand. I started the hole with a pin vice, and then finished it with the craft knife since the pin vice couldn’t make a hole big enough.

base 14 put in flight stands

13. The last step was to use Vallejo Matte Medium to attach Woodland Scenics flock and Secret Weapon leaves.

base 15 matte medium attach secret weapon leaves



Prince on Griffon final 4

Posted on March 28, 2014, in Basing, For Sale, Games Workshop, High Elves, Secret Weapon Miniatures, Tutorial, Warhammer Fantasy and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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