Monthly Archives: April 2014

Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragons!

Here are finished photos of the two Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragons I painted this month.

Dragon 1:

Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragon Standard+ with Level 2 basing

Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragon Standard+ with Level 2 basing

Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragon Standard+ with Level 2 basing

Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragon Standard+ with Level 2 basing

Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragon Standard+ with Level 2 basing

Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragon Standard+ with Level 2 basing


Dragon 2:

Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragon 2 Standard+ with Level 2 basing

Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragon 2 Standard+ with Level 2 basing

Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragon 2 Standard+ with Level 2 basing

Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragon 2 Standard+ with Level 2 basing

Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragon 2 Standard+ with Level 2 basing

Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragon 2 Standard+ with Level 2 basing

As you can see, both dragons are basically alike. Dragon 1 was painted for my FLGS Atomic Empire, and Dragon 2 is for sale for $65.

Empire Knights cont.

Well I finished the last 8 horses for the 24 Empire Knights:



I think the white horses are my favorite. And just in case you ever wondered what a horde of cavalry looks like:



I should have the 24 riders done sometime in the next few days as well as a pair of Pathfinder Red Dragons, one of which will be for sale!

Empire Knights

Just a quick update on the huge Empire army…

The first 8 horses finished – Chestnut and Bucksin Bay


And 4 more – Palomino (ack! fuzzy picture!)



And 4 more – Grays


I’m in the middle of 4 white and 4 more chestnut



Empire Archers

Well my airbrush compressor completely burned out, so I’ve been trying to get a replacement quickly. Hopefully the replacement will get here in the next day or two, and hopefully it’ll be as nice as I think it is!

In the mean time, here’s a quick shot of the first group of archers for the 3000 points of Empire I’m painting.



Hey guys! Don’t forget to check out these great new Kickstarters:

Super Dungeon Explore Forgotten Kingdom –

Mierce Darklands –

And don’t forget about the upcoming Kickstarters for Twisted and Creature Caster!

Brawler Bash VII

So I haven’t been able to post as much lately as I’d like, and I thought I should share the reason. I’m a sponsor for this year’s Brawler Bash VII Warhammer Fantasy Grand Tournament in Durham, NC, and I will also be preset at both the GT and the Doubles tournament the preceding Friday. To that end, I’ve been painting models to display (and sell) at the tournament, as well as acquiring the items I will need for my setup at the tournament.



I am providing gift certificates for commission painting that will be used for prizes at the tournament. Also, I will be purchasing used armies for cash!

I will have a 3000 point Empire Army for sale at the tournament as well as its accompanying display board and various other models.

I hope to see you there!

How to: Reaper Hydra with Marsh Base

Here’s how I did the Reaper Hydra with a marsh base!

1. Clean mould lines, boil, dry fit while cooling to reduce gaps.

1 boiled and dry fit so less gaps when cooled

2. Prime black

2 primed black

3. Paint the scales on his back VGC Jade Green, highlight with mix of Jade Green and RMS Linen White.

3 back scales VGC Jade Green and RMS Linen White

4. Wash back scales with Army Painter Blue Tone ink. In this picture the left has not been washed yet.

4 wash army painter blue tone ink

5. Paint the rest of the hydra VGC Falcon Turquoise.

5 vgc falcon turquoise

6. Wash with GW Nightshade.

6 wash nightshade

7. Next it was time for the faces – which there are a ton of!

7 mouths

8. Build the bases.

8 build bases

9. Paint the bases when they are dry.

9 paint bases10 paint bases11 paint bases12 wash bases camoshade13 drybrush fow camo shade

10. Add stumps to bases.

16 add stumps

11. Finish the faces and assemble the Hydras!


12. Paint stumps.

17 paint stumps

13. Add grass.

18 add grass


14. Add water effects mixed with Flames of War Camo Dark Green paint, also mix in GF9 Marsh blend flock to “gunk” it up.

19 add water effects gf9 march blend attach to base

15. Pin back feet, attach to base.

final base2014-03-29 18.31.44