Brawler Bash VII

So I haven’t been able to post as much lately as I’d like, and I thought I should share the reason. I’m a sponsor for this year’s Brawler Bash VII Warhammer Fantasy Grand Tournament in Durham, NC, and I will also be preset at both the GT and the Doubles tournament the preceding Friday. To that end, I’ve been painting models to display (and sell) at the tournament, as well as acquiring the items I will need for my setup at the tournament.



I am providing gift certificates for commission painting that will be used for prizes at the tournament. Also, I will be purchasing used armies for cash!

I will have a 3000 point Empire Army for sale at the tournament as well as its accompanying display board and various other models.

I hope to see you there!

Posted on April 8, 2014, in For Sale, Forge World, Games Workshop, The Empire, Warhammer Fantasy and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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