Monthly Archives: May 2014

Ogre Kingdoms Ironblaster

I just finished this Ogre Ironblaster. I was going for quick and simple, but this model is pretty much impossible to do quickly, lol. Also, all of those little details are just begging to be snapped off! I really like the model, but I’m not too keen on having to assemble another one for a little while! It was nerve-wracking, lol.

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

In the next couple weeks I have a Lizardmen commission to complete – Skink Priest, Tetto’Eko, and skirmisher movement trays.

I will take step-by-step photos and post a how-to about the movement trays!

Before all that, however, I need to finish the Ogres project with the Limited Edition Bruiser/Tyrant.

Finished Empire Wizards and Company Master!

Well I finished the Empire Wizards and Company Master. Here’s the photos! Remember, these are part of a 2500-3000 point Empire army I’m painting that will be for sale when it’s done.

GW Empire Master Engineer Standard Level 1+ base

GW Empire Master Engineer Standard Level 1+ base

GW Empire Battle Wizard Standard Level 2 Base

GW Empire Battle Wizard Standard Level 2 Base

GW Empire Battle Wizard Standard Level 2 Base

GW Empire Battle Wizard Standard Level 2 Base

GW Empire Battle Wizard Standard Level 2 Base

GW Empire Battle Wizard Standard Level 2 Base

GW Empire Battle Wizard Standard+ Level 2 Base

GW Empire Battle Wizard Standard+ Level 2 Base

GW Empire Battle Wizard Standard+ Level 2 Base

GW Empire Battle Wizard Standard+ Level 2 Base

GW Empire Battle Wizard Standard+ Level 2 Base

GW Empire Battle Wizard Standard+ Level 2 Base

More Kickstarters!

HiTech Miniatures makes great Warhammer 40K alternate models, and now they’re doing a Kickstarter! You can check it out at:

Dust Studio has an alternate WWII game with loads of cool minis, and it appears that the Kickstarter is very popular. Check it out at:

Minx Studio has an interesting Kickstarter that just launched about 2 hours ago and is already half-way to being funded. They have a video from James Wappel as a stretch goal about his shaded basecoat technique. I WISH they had some of his basing videos for stretch goals as he’s absolutely a master of great gaming bases. You can check it out here:

WIP: Empire Battle Wizards

I’ve had a lot of stuff happen in the last week or so that really disrupted my painting time, and then the deadline on the Empire Army project moved back, so some Ogres jumped up in line. Because of all that, I’ve pretty much just been working on the Empire Battle Wizards a little here and a little there. Here’s where they stand:

purple 1 front

purple 1 back

yellow 1 front

yellow 1 back


Over the next two weeks I will finish the wizards, finish the master engineer, paint an Ogre Ironblaster, and paint one to two more Ogre models (non-troops).

More finished Empire stuff!

Cannon 1 and crew:

cannon 1 and crew

Cannon 2 and crew:

cannon 2 and crew

Hellblaster Volley Gun and crew:

Hellblaster and crew

More to come soon!

Just a reminder, this Empire army will be for sale upon completion. Also, sometime in the next couple weeks I intend to do a few tutorials about blending!

WIP: Empire Master Engineer

Just a quick post here. I’m painting all day at my FLGS – a very rare thing for me to get this much time in a solid block like this, so I’m going to try to be as productive as possible.  Here’s a shot of the WIP Empire Master Engineer. I had some fun with his face.


OnceBitten 360 Youtube

I know I’ve mentioned his channel before, but a guy local to me has a great YouTube channel for Warhammer Fantasy battle reports – OnceBitten360. Please check it out. He does a really good job with his battle reports, and there are a ton of them!

Recently, I painted some banners for him. You can see them in this battle report –!


Empire Knights finished!

Here are the 24 Reiksguard Knights for the 3000 point Empire force I’m in the middle of:

finished knights 1-5

finished knights 6-10

finished knights 11-14

finished knights 15-19

finished knights 20-24


If you haven’t heard about it, check out the Creature Caster Kickstarter as well as the new G&G Ichiban Studio brushes Kickstarter. I’d love to pledge the Creature Caster Kickstarter myself, but I’m not sure I can justify the money right now. I did back the G&G Kickstarter! Also, CMON has another Kickstarter – Dogs of War, and Hangar 18 just started their Pin Ups Kickstarter, which I am probably backing!


Creature Caster Kickstarter –

Games & Gears Ichiban Studio Brushes Kickstarter –

CMON Dogs of War Kickstarter –

Hangar 18 Pin Ups Kickstarter –

Empire Archers finished!

Here are two groups of 10 Empire Archers finished.

Group 1:

group 1 finished

Group 2:

group 2 finished

These Archers are part of a 3000 point Empire force I am painting that will be finished and for sale at the end of May.