
If you haven’t heard about it, check out the Creature Caster Kickstarter as well as the new G&G Ichiban Studio brushes Kickstarter. I’d love to pledge the Creature Caster Kickstarter myself, but I’m not sure I can justify the money right now. I did back the G&G Kickstarter! Also, CMON has another Kickstarter – Dogs of War, and Hangar 18 just started their Pin Ups Kickstarter, which I am probably backing!


Creature Caster Kickstarter –

Games & Gears Ichiban Studio Brushes Kickstarter –

CMON Dogs of War Kickstarter –

Hangar 18 Pin Ups Kickstarter –

Posted on May 4, 2014, in Kickstarter and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Links! We need links! 😀

  2. It seems like a super cool Kickstarter but even for miniatures of that size his stuff is SUPER expensive. I was considering getting his cheap one but its still like 80$.
    For your other commenter…

    • I know, right? Sure they may be very high quality and somewhat unique, but that is quite a premium for them, especially since KS prices are typically discounted. That’s why I can’t justify it right now. I do think several of the models are amazing though!

      Also, thanks for the link!

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