Monthly Archives: July 2014

Wyrd Malifaux Perdita Ortega

I spent the last few weeks traveling and visiting family, but now I’m home and ready to get back to work! I had a great time, but it’s still nice to be home. I did manage to do a little painting while I was away, including a Malifaux Perdita Ortega. I really liked her pose, but she had a few casting issues. Her face was a little uneven, with one half just a hair higher than the other. I didn’t even notice that until I painted her eyes and then looked at her straight on and the eyes were…wonky. She was also missing a small chunk out of the cheek under her hair.  I managed to fix all that, and here she is finished! She is for sale for $75.

Wyrd Malifaux Perdita Ortega - Gaming Display with Level 2 base

Wyrd Malifaux Perdita Ortega – Gaming Display with Level 2 base

Converted Ogre Hunter

Recently, I painted a converted Warhammer Fantasy Ogre Hunter made from bits from the bulls and stonehorn boxes with a 50mm base I had sitting around. This model is intended to run in a unit of Sabretusks, which is something you don’t see very often!

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