Monthly Archives: November 2014

WIP Avatars of War Lord of Pestilence

I’ve been working on an Avatars of War Lord of Pestilence model lately. He was absolutely a pain to prep, but nothing impossible to fix. I plan to do some weathering and gore on this model. He will make a great alternative Warhammer Nurgle Chaos Lord. Here’s a couple WIP shots!

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WIP Reaper Annasha Tomebreaker Female Dwarf

I’ve been so busy with personal projects and commissions (and work!) that I haven’t had much opportunity to post lately, but here’s a little about a current commission. This model is supposed to be a Duergar for a D&D campaign. I’ve never done a Duergar before, and I haven’t painted too many dwarfs either, so this project has taken me a little out of my comfort zone. It’s been a lot of fun so far, and after a little experimentation I found a combination that I think really works for the skin tone, which I plan to use on a Guild of Harmony Phoenicia, Arcane Spellcaster. I started with the Reaper Dusky Skin triad, and I do like Reaper skin tones, but I feel like the triads aren’t a complete solution to base, shade, and highlight as they are sometimes said to be. I think they just don’t offer enough contrast (both dark to light, and cool to warm, within a triad). I really like the colors Dusky Skin and Dusky Skin Shadow together, but Dusky Skin Highlight was just too ashy, it didn’t look like living skin. I ended up taking Dusky Skin and mixing in Blush Pink and Sun Yellow to make the highlight color, and that worked fabulously!

This figure is yet another figure from Reaper that I really love. I was worried when I first saw the sculpt in bare metal that her face was a little…wonky…but it turned out to be just a play of light. She’s a muscular female dwarf with a very feminine face. The only thing I’m not a huge fan of is that the weapons are a little big/chunky. I think if I were to paint her for myself in the future I would cut off the top of the mace and turn it into a torch.

Here’s the model so far, very WIP: