Monthly Archives: December 2014

Finished Reaper Annasha Tomebreaker




Here are finished pictures of a recent commission. I’ve got a few new models I’ve been working on. I also got a new camera! No more smartphone pictures! I had a semi-decent point-and-shoot, but the motor in the lense broke recently, leaving me with nothing but the camera on my Galaxy Note 3 phone. I found a deal on a Samsung NX300, and now I need to learn how to use it! Hopefully, I will be able to start posting better pictures of the models I have around and future models as well.

back fin

floor fin

front fin

side fin


I am working on a Kingdom Death Survivor as well as a Privateer Press Circle of Orboros Bradigus. After Bradigus, I should be painting a Khador Juggernaut and a GW Ogre Stonehorn conversion.

On another topic, I’m switching over from mostly Reaper paint to Vallejo Game Air and Badger Minitaire. I do still like Reaper paint, and I’m keeping quite a few of them…but I’ve been using mostly the same bottles of paint since I started painting in 2012, and a lot of them were running low, so I needed to  buy more paint anyways. I’ve tried a few Vallejo paints and I do really like them. Also, I’m making an effort to use my airbrush more in my work, and constantly having to thin Reaper paint was a bit of a pain. Vallejo Game Air is a new line or airbrush-ready paints designed with fantasy colors in mind, and so far I really like them. I haven’t tried the Minitaire line yet, but I will soon!