Monthly Archives: January 2015

Avatars of War Lord of Pestilence

Here’s the finished photos of the Avatars of War Lord of Pestilence! He was a lot of fun to paint, and I really loved those Secret Weapon skulls – this was the first model I’ve used them on. He would make a great Warriors of Chaos Nurgle Chaos Lord, and he is for sale for $87 plus postage.

Nurgle Chaos Lord 1 Nurgle Chaos Lord 2 Nurgle Chaos Lord 3 Nurgle Chaos Lord 4 Nurgle Chaos Lord 5 Nurgle Chaos Lord 6

Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver Circle of Orboros

Hi! After a long break from posting, I’m back! I have several new models to show you, and my goal is to paint and post a lot more often this year. Also, I am available again for commissions!

Here’s a model I recently finished that I hear is quite powerful in play – Hordes Circle of Orboros Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver. I’m not too big of a fan of the studio colors for this model, so I changed things up a bit. I hope you like it! This model is for sale – $115.

Bradigus collage 1-27-15 MGM Painting