Monthly Archives: April 2015

WIP Dark Sword Female Undead Hunter

Here are some quick WIP shots of a current commission of a Female Undead Hunter from Dark Sword Miniatures. This mini is really beautiful, and the details are so tiny…also, the face is extremely well done. I was really impressed with the face, in fact. In the end, I will probably end up spending half the time I do on other manufacturers’ faces on this one because the details are so crisp and well defined. I plan to paint a lot more Dark Sword minis!

MGM Painting Dark Sword Female Undead Hunter WIP 4-5-15 A

MGM Painting Dark Sword Female Undead Hunter WIP 4-5-15 B

MGM Painting Dark Sword Female Undead Hunter WIP 4-5-15 C


Reaper 77079 BONES Isabeau Laroche

I actually painted this mini about 2 months ago, but never got around to posting her pictures until now!

Reaper BONES Isabeau Laroche Standard

Reaper BONES Isabeau Laroche Standard

Reaper BONES Isabeau Laroche Standard

Reaper BONES Isabeau Laroche Standard

Reaper BONES Isabeau Laroche Standard

Reaper BONES Isabeau Laroche Standard

Reaper BONES Isabeau Laroche Standard

Reaper BONES Isabeau Laroche Standard

Reaper Cinderella 50284

This model was an experiment in new things to me – sparkly cloth, sheer cloth, making butterflies, magic effects, painting crystal. I’m considering changing the colors of the butterflies to pink and yellow. I made them blue because I wanted them to be part of the magic dress transformation. The sheer cloth was simpler than I imagined, but I’m sure there are much more challenging situations for it. I also really enjoyed painting all those dots…even though there are a million of them…and they made my hand cramp from holding the brush funny…

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

WIP Reaper Cinderella 50284

More pics of the awesome Cinderella. I’m just really enjoying having a chance to paint with no specific scheme for this model…just letting it flow how it seems it should as I paint. Also, my experimentation with see-through clothing and sparkly clothing has been fun and enlightening.

MGM Painting Reaper Cinderella WIP 3-26-15a MGM Painting Reaper Cinderella WIP 3-26-15b

Privateer Press Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr

Here are some quick pictures of a basic Standard level commission I recently did of a Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr. I really like most of the CoO models, and this was no exception!

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

WIP Reaper Cinderella 50284

I love this model so far. Here are some very WIP phone pictures of her while my hand un-cramps from all the sparkle dots…


MGM Painting Reaper Cinderella WIP 3-25-15a MGM Painting Reaper Cinderella WIP 3-25-15b MGM Painting Reaper Cinderella WIP 3-25-15c MGM Painting Reaper Cinderella WIP 3-25-15d MGM Painting Reaper Cinderella WIP 3-25-15e

Ultraforge Vrock

I’m super busy with multiple projects right now, but I thought I ought to put up some photos of the Ultraforge Vrock as I hadn’t done finished photos yet somehow!

Ultraforge Vrock Standard+

Ultraforge Vrock Standard+

Ultraforge Vrock Standard+

Ultraforge Vrock Standard+

GW Ogre Firebellies

These Firebellies were ordered a month ahead of my deadline for painting them, which should have been enough time….right? Well due to GW taking their sweet time, some unseasonable ice and snow, and just general shipping issues the models didn’t arrive until after lunch the day of my deadline. Needless to say, that was a problem! Somehow, I got them done in time, however, but I’m going to have to remember this the next time I have to order Finecast from GW on a deadline…

Anyways, here they are! Just a basic Standard level paint job with OSL, but I think the effect brings a lot to them!

MGM Painting Firebelly Blue FrontMGM Painting Firebelly Blue back  MGM Painting Firebelly Green frontMGM Painting Firebelly Green back  MGM Painting Firebelly Orange frontMGM Painting Firebelly Orange back  MGM Painting Firebelly Purple frontMGM Painting Firebelly Purple back

Commission scheduling update

Another quick studio update about commission scheduling – At this point I am completely booked solid until the end of May, and at least partially booked through August, so if you want to get something painted it’s probably a good idea to claim a spot in my queue sooner rather than later! I do still have room for a couple projects concurrent with my other commitments from late May thru August (and obviously plenty of room after that!), so please go ahead and contact me and we’ll see if we can work something out. The schedule is filling fast!

WIP Ultraforge Vrock

This model is still WIP, although it’s coming along! I sculpted the additional rocks on the base with milliput, as putting him on a 50mm playable base left little room for anything else. Painting the feathers took hours! At this point I’ve already spent as many hours on this model as I planned to in total, and I still have a few more to go!

Ultraforge Vrock WIP MGM Painting 3-10-15 front  Ultraforge Vrock WIP MGM Painting 3-10-15 backUltraforge Vrock WIP MGM Painting 3-10-15 side