Monthly Archives: June 2015

WIP Khador Juggernaut

As usual I’m working on several projects at a time. I’m adding a Khador Juggernaut to my WIP pile. Here’s a shot after putting on some modulating rust colors. Some of this will show through when I do some chipping later on.

WIP 6-12-15

WIP Reaper Finari

Here are more quick WIP shots of my Reaper Finari. I’m just trying out the red hair, not sure if it’s going to stay or not. I’ve done more work on her teal armor, specifically making parts of the back shinier and adding reflected light. I’ve hit a point where for most of this model working on it further just feels like fiddling.

MGM Painting Reaper Finari WIP

MGM Painting Reaper Finari WIP

MGM Painting Reaper Finari WIP

MGM Painting Reaper Finari WIP

WIP Reaper Finari

Here are more WIP pictures of Finari! I’ve not been able to work on her so much in the last week or so because of the Kitsune, but now that that is done I think Finari will be the next finished. I worked on making her teal armor appear shinier, and I’ve worked on the NMM gold as well. I’m really enjoying the gold now that I’ve moved away from using a series of brown-ish colors. My colors on this NMM gold are a deep purple (VGA Hexed Lichen), a slightly earthy red (VMC Cavalry Brown), a greenish yellow ochre (VMC Khaki Grey), a pale yellow (VMC Golden Yellow), and my usual almost-white “white” (VMC Ivory).

gold colors

I feel like the gold is way more interesting. Also, in the case of this overall scheme, it plays off the purple cloak and teal armor very nicely.

I’m still figuring out what I want to do with that cross on the back of her cloak, so it is nowhere near finished.

WIP 6-9-15a

WIP 6-9-15b

Bushido Kitsune finished!

I finally finished the Bushido Kitsune! This was a really fun miniature, and I learned that I really enjoy painting animals. Maybe I will tackle some of Dark Sword’s anthropomorphic line soon.


MGM Painting Bushido Kitsune A MGM Painting Bushido Kitsune B MGM Painting Bushido Kitsune C MGM Painting Bushido Kitsune D

WIP Bushido Kitsune

Here are more WIP shots of the Bushido Kitsune. For some reason my paint is super shiny right now, although I’ve done nothing different than normal except use my new wet palette. Hmm… So far I’ve mostly been focusing on her dress. Next I will paint her skin/fur and face. I may also add more shadows to the dress as it’s lost a bit of the purple. The shadows are VGA Hexed Lichen, which is becoming my go-to shadow color for a lot of things. The mid tone is VMC Dark Prusia Blue, and the highlight is VMC Sky Blue. A little bit of VMC Transparent Blue is involved, but only to help transitions between mid and shadow. Transitions between highlight and midtone were done by painting a solid stripe of the highlight in the shape and approximate size I wanted, and then glazing the transition with thin Dark Prusia Blue.

WIP 6-1-15a

WIP 6-1-15b

WIP Bushido Kitsune

I’m working on several projects at once (as usual), and right now I’m beginning another commission. This one is a Bushido Kitsune. This miniature is strangely hard to find right now, but it’s a really awesome sculpt and the casting quality was really nice. I’m excited to paint it.

WIP 5-27-15

WIP Reaper Finari

Here’s another WIP shot of Finari. I will probably work on the cloak some more, but I’m really loving these colors!

WIP 5-27-15

WIP Reaper Finari

I’ve painted so many of this model now! I do love it though. It’s a great sculpt. I do have one complaint, however – every one of them has had a somewhat messed up mouth with some really rough metal on the side of her chin. It really bothers me when a mini’s face is messed up. The face is the most important part! It’s mostly fixable, but I find it makes painting her mouth particularly complicated.

WIP shot:

WIP 5-26-15

WIP and wet palette

Some Reaper Bones Dark Elves and a Reaper Finari on the way! I just switched to a wet palette, and I like it a lot more than the well right now. It definitely takes some getting used to, but we’re getting into summer here and it’s HOT. We keep the house warm to save on utilities, and my painting desk is in the room with the worst A/C, so it’s always several degrees warmer in here. 81 in here today while it’s 90 outside! That’s making my paint dry out FAST, hence the wet palette switch.

2015 May temperature

2015 May Hangouts


Warmachine Retribution Warjacks

Here are the finished ‘jacks that are part of a recent Standard level commission. The dark stony armor is my client’s color scheme. I reposed the Phoenix to have a “ninja” pose. Mostly that involved running a pin all the way through both hands (being sure to keep it going straight in the proper angle for holding the sword hilt!), cutting apart the sword, and pinning the sword parts on top of and on bottom of the hands. I had to shorten the hilt as the bottom hand would be holding that part. The trickiest part was putting all that together at an angle that would still allow the arms to attach to the body and shoulder pads properly, as well as not impact with the legs. The Manticore and Moros are not reposed. I do really like that new Moros model!

MGM Painting Retribution Manticore Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Manticore Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Manticore Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Manticore Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Manticore Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Manticore Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard