Category Archives: Basing

Khador Juggernaut

I totally forgot to take WIP pictures as I did the base. I used Woodland Scenics Soft Flake Snow for the snow, and Woodland Scenics Water Effects with a little bit of VMC Verdigris glaze mixed in for the ice. In the future, I think I will use a white ink instead of the VMC paint so the ice is a bit more transparent.

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

Reaper Mocking Beast 77048

I painted this as my entry into this year’s Wyrd Iron Painter Challenge. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. I hope to be doing many more display models like it in the future!

MGM Painting Wyrd Iron Painter Round 1 Reaper Mocking Beast A

MGM Painting Wyrd Iron Painter Round 1 Reaper Mocking Beast B

MGM Painting Wyrd Iron Painter Round 1 Reaper Mocking Beast C

MGM Painting Wyrd Iron Painter Round 1 Reaper Mocking Beast Collage

Reaper Cinderella 50284

This model was an experiment in new things to me – sparkly cloth, sheer cloth, making butterflies, magic effects, painting crystal. I’m considering changing the colors of the butterflies to pink and yellow. I made them blue because I wanted them to be part of the magic dress transformation. The sheer cloth was simpler than I imagined, but I’m sure there are much more challenging situations for it. I also really enjoyed painting all those dots…even though there are a million of them…and they made my hand cramp from holding the brush funny…

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Privateer Press Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr

Here are some quick pictures of a basic Standard level commission I recently did of a Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr. I really like most of the CoO models, and this was no exception!

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

WIP Ultraforge Vrock

This model is still WIP, although it’s coming along! I sculpted the additional rocks on the base with milliput, as putting him on a 50mm playable base left little room for anything else. Painting the feathers took hours! At this point I’ve already spent as many hours on this model as I planned to in total, and I still have a few more to go!

Ultraforge Vrock WIP MGM Painting 3-10-15 front  Ultraforge Vrock WIP MGM Painting 3-10-15 backUltraforge Vrock WIP MGM Painting 3-10-15 side

Reaper 03579 Leprechaun and Owl

Happy St. Patrick’s Day. I think this is the perfect day to show off the Reaper Leprechaun and Owl that I just painted. I was a little limited on time for this model, but he was super fun and in the end I’m pretty happy with him.

MGM Painting Reaper Leprechaun and Owl front  MGM Painting Reaper Leprechaun and Owl side a MGM Painting Reaper Leprechaun and Owl side bMGM Painting Reaper Leprechaun and Owl back

WIP Reaper Pearl the Mermaid

This is a really fun sculpt, and I think I will probably paint it again in the future. Here are some quick WIP shots. I still have no idea what colors to make the base. I am going for a limited color palette, and working within that is actually pretty difficult when I typically rely on color variation as a method of creating contrast and interest within a mini.

WIP Reaper Pearl the Mermaid 2-27-15a WIP Reaper Pearl the Mermaid 2-27-15b WIP Reaper Pearl the Mermaid 2-27-15c WIP Reaper Pearl the Mermaid 2-27-15d

Post-Brawler Bash

I had a SUPER busy weekend at Brawler Bash VII. I met a ton of super-nice people, and hopefully I will get the opportunity to do some projects for some of them. Also, I can’t wait to see what projects the recipients of the $50 gift certifcates want me to do for them.

In the coming weeks I will be posting about a Lizardmen project including two skink characters and some skirmishing movement trays. I’m also going to finish an Empire mounted BSB I’ve been working on. After that, I’m switching over to some 40K for a while starting with some Dark Angels! Hopefully I will also be able to squeeze in a few Reaper Bones models along the way.

Ogre Kingdoms Ironblaster

I just finished this Ogre Ironblaster. I was going for quick and simple, but this model is pretty much impossible to do quickly, lol. Also, all of those little details are just begging to be snapped off! I really like the model, but I’m not too keen on having to assemble another one for a little while! It was nerve-wracking, lol.

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

In the next couple weeks I have a Lizardmen commission to complete – Skink Priest, Tetto’Eko, and skirmisher movement trays.

I will take step-by-step photos and post a how-to about the movement trays!

Before all that, however, I need to finish the Ogres project with the Limited Edition Bruiser/Tyrant.

How to: Reaper Hydra with Marsh Base

Here’s how I did the Reaper Hydra with a marsh base!

1. Clean mould lines, boil, dry fit while cooling to reduce gaps.

1 boiled and dry fit so less gaps when cooled

2. Prime black

2 primed black

3. Paint the scales on his back VGC Jade Green, highlight with mix of Jade Green and RMS Linen White.

3 back scales VGC Jade Green and RMS Linen White

4. Wash back scales with Army Painter Blue Tone ink. In this picture the left has not been washed yet.

4 wash army painter blue tone ink

5. Paint the rest of the hydra VGC Falcon Turquoise.

5 vgc falcon turquoise

6. Wash with GW Nightshade.

6 wash nightshade

7. Next it was time for the faces – which there are a ton of!

7 mouths

8. Build the bases.

8 build bases

9. Paint the bases when they are dry.

9 paint bases10 paint bases11 paint bases12 wash bases camoshade13 drybrush fow camo shade

10. Add stumps to bases.

16 add stumps

11. Finish the faces and assemble the Hydras!


12. Paint stumps.

17 paint stumps

13. Add grass.

18 add grass


14. Add water effects mixed with Flames of War Camo Dark Green paint, also mix in GF9 Marsh blend flock to “gunk” it up.

19 add water effects gf9 march blend attach to base

15. Pin back feet, attach to base.

final base2014-03-29 18.31.44