Category Archives: Battle Reports

OnceBitten 360 Youtube

I know I’ve mentioned his channel before, but a guy local to me has a great YouTube channel for Warhammer Fantasy battle reports – OnceBitten360. Please check it out. He does a really good job with his battle reports, and there are a ton of them!

Recently, I painted some banners for him. You can see them in this battle report –!


WIP: Chaos Dwarfs cont.

I did a lot more work on the Scibor Strielecs.

From where I last left off, the next stop was the NMM on the guns and chainmail:



Then I basecoated the brass:



NMM Shadows:



NMM Highlights:




At this point they are basically finished, they just need touch-ups.

I got to spend a few hours at my FLGS tonight with my husband. I painted, and he played a Warhammer Fantasy game with a friend of his who has a YouTube channel that he posts battle reports to. If you haven’t already come across his channel, he posts a lot of great battle reports:

Youtube: OnceBitten360

My husband and I watch a lot of Warhammer Fantasy battle reports on YouTube, and OneBitten360’s battle reports are some of our favorites. You can check out his YouTube channel HERE. You can also check out a recent battle report that features some of my painted models HERE. He was kind enough to link to me in that video as well.