Category Archives: Charity

Privateer Press Convergence of Cyriss Mitigator Project Orange Crush

I finally got around to finishing the last, but probably most important, part of the Convergence of Cyriss Mitigator for Project Orange Crush: the orange glow!

I airbrushed the big glowy areas starting from a dark orange and working up to a fluorescent yellow (I had to brush by hand the tiny glowy bits also), then glazed it over with Model Air Fluo Red, which looks pretty orange to me. Project Orange Crush has asked that the models not be based so that Privateer Press can do it for consistency in the armies, so at this point the model is done:

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WIP: Privateer Press Convergence of Cyriss Mitigator Cont.

Next step on my Project Orange Crush Mitigator was to dry-brush from top down only with Vallejo Liquid Silver alcohol-based metallic. I really like the finish the alcohol-based metallics give, but they can be difficult to work with. The flakes tend to get everywhere and the paint travels differently than acrylic paint because of the differences between alcohol and water, so you have to be very careful with it. Because this model is currently all metal anyways, and because I was only dry-brushing, I didn’t have to worry about these things this time thank goodness!

The dry-brushing added an extra level of shininess to the highest lights and edges of details on the model.

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Afterwards I sealed it again with varnish. The next thing I’ll be working on is the orange glow!

WIP: Privateer Press Convergence of Cyriss Mitigator Cont.

The next step on the Mitigator was to gloss varnish and do a black watercolor wash all over. I typically use either liquitex ink or GW washes, but I’ve been wanting to try an oil or watercolor wash for a while. A wash that you can apply and then clean up with a solvent or water sounds really appealing to me as I’m pretty tired of things drying wrong and having to use paint to fix it.

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Turns out you can be about as messy as you please with the watercolor because it cleans up beautifully. After cleaning the watercolor wash with a wet Q-tip I sealed it with gloss varnish again. Then, I further defined some shadows and lights with the Reaper metallics I used previously and added Reaper scorched metal to the mix.10

WIP: Privateer Press Convergence of Cyriss Mitigator Cont.

Next I used Reaper Sparkling Blue and Reaper Blackened Steel to add more definition to shadows, and I used Reaper Polished Silver to bring up the highest lights. This was the first time I sprayed Reaper metallics through my Badger Krome, and, to be honest, it wasn’t that pleasant. It worked out in the end, but I spent the entire time fighting almost instant dry-tipping and clogging. I’d prefer to spray Vallejo Model Air only in the future!


WIP: Privateer Press Convergence of Cyriss Mitigator Cont.

I got to work more on the Mitigator I’m doing for Project Orange Crush again today. First, I sprayed the whole model black. Then, I over-sprayed white to define the lights and shadows even in the base coat.



Next, I sprayed the whole model with a relatively thin layer of Vallejo Model Air Gun Grey. I really like the Model Air metallics. They are very fine, and they don’t cause almost instant dry-tip on the airbrush like other metallics I’ve sprayed do. You can see the natural lights and darks caused by the black/white base coat:



[Edit: DYAC!]

WIP: Privateer Press Convergence of Cyriss Mitigator cont.

The mould lines and casting issues on this model were some of the worst I’ve seen on a Privateer Press model. Here are just two examples:



I did finally get it all cleaned up, and then I primed it with Vallejo grey surface primer.




Tomorrow, more work on the Mitigator!

Foodmachine: Project Orange Crush

I signed up to participate in this year’s Foodmachine: Project Orange Crush (Hunger). I’m painting a Convergence of Cyriss Mitigator, and I’m really excited to get started! I just happen to have an extra Mitigator lying around, so Step 1 (acquiring the model!) is already done. The theme is orange, and they have requested that all the glowy bits be painted orange instead of the traditional blue. If you’ve never heard of this project please check it out here and here. They could still use more painters!