Category Archives: Cool Mini or Not

Arcadia Quest Heroes

So it’s been a while since I’ve updated. I entered models in 2015’s Capital Palette at the NOVA Open, and my Nocturna Huntress took 1st in Fantasy Large, my Reaper Finari took 3rd in Fantasy Single, and my Knight Models The Flash took 3rd in Sci-Fi Single. I’ll put pictures of them, and a lot of other models I’ve done since then, up soon. In the mean time, here are some pictures of an Arcadia Quest commission I just finished! These were SO much fun. I have two more Arcadia Quest commissions for later this spring and summer, so I will end up painting pretty much all the rest of the figures as well. Also, for commission scheduling…In case you are looking at having a project done, I am now 100% booked in March and April. I have a couple spots for smaller projects in May and June. I am again 100% booked in July and August. After that is much more open, although the first part of September is also full.


MGM Painting Arcadia Quest Heroes 2-26-16 A1 MGM Painting Arcadia Quest Heroes 2-26-16 A2 MGM Painting Arcadia Quest Heroes 2-26-16 B1 MGM Painting Arcadia Quest Heroes 2-26-16 B2 MGM Painting Arcadia Quest Heroes 2-26-16 C1 MGM Painting Arcadia Quest Heroes 2-26-16 C2

WIP Wrath of Kings Goritsi Zeti

Here are some quick shots of a very WIP Wrath of Kings Goritsi Zeti vampire chick. I do wish the details on this model were a little less…soft. I’m having a horrible time picking colors on this model, and I really don’t know why. I started out with a strong idea of what colors to use, and somehow it didn’t work out. Hopefully she will come together in the end!

MGM Painting Wrath of Kings Goritsi Zeti WIP 5-16-15a

MGM Painting Wrath of Kings Goritsi Zeti WIP 5-16-15a

MGM Painting Wrath of Kings Goritsi Zeti WIP 5-16-15b

MGM Painting Wrath of Kings Goritsi Zeti WIP 5-16-15b

Reaper Cinderella 50284

This model was an experiment in new things to me – sparkly cloth, sheer cloth, making butterflies, magic effects, painting crystal. I’m considering changing the colors of the butterflies to pink and yellow. I made them blue because I wanted them to be part of the magic dress transformation. The sheer cloth was simpler than I imagined, but I’m sure there are much more challenging situations for it. I also really enjoyed painting all those dots…even though there are a million of them…and they made my hand cramp from holding the brush funny…

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

Reaper Cinderella Gaming Display

WIP Reaper Cinderella 50284

More pics of the awesome Cinderella. I’m just really enjoying having a chance to paint with no specific scheme for this model…just letting it flow how it seems it should as I paint. Also, my experimentation with see-through clothing and sparkly clothing has been fun and enlightening.

MGM Painting Reaper Cinderella WIP 3-26-15a MGM Painting Reaper Cinderella WIP 3-26-15b

WIP Reaper Cinderella 50284

I love this model so far. Here are some very WIP phone pictures of her while my hand un-cramps from all the sparkle dots…


MGM Painting Reaper Cinderella WIP 3-25-15a MGM Painting Reaper Cinderella WIP 3-25-15b MGM Painting Reaper Cinderella WIP 3-25-15c MGM Painting Reaper Cinderella WIP 3-25-15d MGM Painting Reaper Cinderella WIP 3-25-15e

Finished Reaper Pearl the Mermaid

Here she is finished! I had to limit myself to just a couple hours on this model as I’m so busy with commissions right now! I do love doing commissions, and I get to paint a ton of awesome models because of it, but sometimes it’s nice to have a chance to experiment a little, like with this monochrome red color scheme. If you love her as much as I do, she is for sale for $70 plus postage.

Reaper Pearl the Mermaid MGM Painting

WIP Reaper Pearl the Mermaid

This is a really fun sculpt, and I think I will probably paint it again in the future. Here are some quick WIP shots. I still have no idea what colors to make the base. I am going for a limited color palette, and working within that is actually pretty difficult when I typically rely on color variation as a method of creating contrast and interest within a mini.

WIP Reaper Pearl the Mermaid 2-27-15a WIP Reaper Pearl the Mermaid 2-27-15b WIP Reaper Pearl the Mermaid 2-27-15c WIP Reaper Pearl the Mermaid 2-27-15d


Hey guys! Don’t forget to check out these great new Kickstarters:

Super Dungeon Explore Forgotten Kingdom –

Mierce Darklands –

And don’t forget about the upcoming Kickstarters for Twisted and Creature Caster!