Category Archives: Daemons of Chaos

Ultraforge Vrock

I’m super busy with multiple projects right now, but I thought I ought to put up some photos of the Ultraforge Vrock as I hadn’t done finished photos yet somehow!

Ultraforge Vrock Standard+

Ultraforge Vrock Standard+

Ultraforge Vrock Standard+

Ultraforge Vrock Standard+

WIP Ultraforge Vrock

This model is still WIP, although it’s coming along! I sculpted the additional rocks on the base with milliput, as putting him on a 50mm playable base left little room for anything else. Painting the feathers took hours! At this point I’ve already spent as many hours on this model as I planned to in total, and I still have a few more to go!

Ultraforge Vrock WIP MGM Painting 3-10-15 front  Ultraforge Vrock WIP MGM Painting 3-10-15 backUltraforge Vrock WIP MGM Painting 3-10-15 side

WIP Ultraforge Vrock

Here’s some progress on the huge Vrock model. The turquose in his mouth isn’t staying…it was a quick experiment while I was already airbrushing.

Ultraforge Vrock WIP MGM Painting 3-6-15a Ultraforge Vrock WIP MGM Painting 3-6-15b

WIP Ultraforge Vrock

I’ve just begun a large monster from Ultraforge called Vrock. It’s to be used as a Greater Tzeentch Daemon in Warhammer Fantasy. The cast had some…issues…but I did manage to clean it up. He’s too big for my photo background!

Ultraforge Vrok WIP MGM Painting 3-4-15