Category Archives: Khador

Khador Juggernaut

I totally forgot to take WIP pictures as I did the base. I used Woodland Scenics Soft Flake Snow for the snow, and Woodland Scenics Water Effects with a little bit of VMC Verdigris glaze mixed in for the ice. In the future, I think I will use a white ink instead of the VMC paint so the ice is a bit more transparent.

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

WIP Khador Juggernaut

More WIP pictures! I brought back some of the metal highlights, highlighted paint chips, and worked on the visor.

WIP 6-26-15b

WIP 6-26-15c

WIP Khador Juggernaut

I did some work with my Secret Weapon weathering powders. I think they’re awesome, but I can tell I have a lot to learn!

WIP 6-24-15a

WIP 6-24-15b

WIP Khador Juggernaut

Here is another WIP of the Khador Juggernaut. At this point I have done salt and hairspray chipping, an oil wash, and some Secret Weapon weathering pigments (so far only on the arms, and not finished). I’ve learned a lot so far about weathering painting this model. It is the first one I’ve done this much weathering on.

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut WIP 6-23-15

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut WIP 6-23-15

WIP Khador Juggernaut

As usual I’m working on several projects at a time. I’m adding a Khador Juggernaut to my WIP pile. Here’s a shot after putting on some modulating rust colors. Some of this will show through when I do some chipping later on.

WIP 6-12-15