Category Archives: Kingdom Death

Finished Reaper Annasha Tomebreaker




Here are finished pictures of a recent commission. I’ve got a few new models I’ve been working on. I also got a new camera! No more smartphone pictures! I had a semi-decent point-and-shoot, but the motor in the lense broke recently, leaving me with nothing but the camera on my Galaxy Note 3 phone. I found a deal on a Samsung NX300, and now I need to learn how to use it! Hopefully, I will be able to start posting better pictures of the models I have around and future models as well.

back fin

floor fin

front fin

side fin


I am working on a Kingdom Death Survivor as well as a Privateer Press Circle of Orboros Bradigus. After Bradigus, I should be painting a Khador Juggernaut and a GW Ogre Stonehorn conversion.

On another topic, I’m switching over from mostly Reaper paint to Vallejo Game Air and Badger Minitaire. I do still like Reaper paint, and I’m keeping quite a few of them…but I’ve been using mostly the same bottles of paint since I started painting in 2012, and a lot of them were running low, so I needed to  buy more paint anyways. I’ve tried a few Vallejo paints and I do really like them. Also, I’m making an effort to use my airbrush more in my work, and constantly having to thin Reaper paint was a bit of a pain. Vallejo Game Air is a new line or airbrush-ready paints designed with fantasy colors in mind, and so far I really like them. I haven’t tried the Minitaire line yet, but I will soon!

WIP Kingdom Death Pinup Survivor Aya

Not too long ago I posted about receiving my Pinups of Death box from Kingdom Death. Well, I finally got around to messing with a model from that set. I decided Pinup Survivor Aya would be the first one. Here she is still on sprue:

new on sprue

Obviously, she has a lot of pieces. When I saw how many there were, and that all but 3 were required, I thought it was going to be a fiddly nightmare to assemble her, probably because of my experiences with another manufacturer of “high quality” plastic miniatures (*cough* GW *cough*). As the model is absolutely beautiful, however, I was willing to just deal with it.

I started out dry fitting pieces over and over before applying glue, expecting pieces to be slightly off and have to finagle them into place, but boy was I wrong! Assembling this model was a joy. Kingdom Death truly made a high quality miniature. All the joins were in discrete places, or they were covered up by other pieces later in the assembly. There was a great deal of planning that went into the creation of this miniature. The *only* piece I had any trouble with was the lantern, and that was mostly because the surfaces to be joined are super tiny. I even had no problem attaching her weapon which has a hand cut off at the wrist at one end and just fingers at the other end, with both ends attaching to arms that were not cast as part of the body, so they could potentially have been assembled at barely the wrong angle so nothing would fit together after. The arms fit snugly into exactly the correct position.

In the end, there is just one small gap I will fill, and that is under a breast on a strap. Nothing else is visible!

And the mould lines…well there really weren’t any – just one small one on each leg. Here she is assembled:

assembled 1 assembled 2 assembled 3


I can’t wait to start painting this model!

Kingdom Death NSFW

OK, so an office chair may not be the best backdrop ever, but still very exciting stuff in these boxes!
