Category Archives: Ogre Kingdoms

GW Ogre Firebellies

These Firebellies were ordered a month ahead of my deadline for painting them, which should have been enough time….right? Well due to GW taking their sweet time, some unseasonable ice and snow, and just general shipping issues the models didn’t arrive until after lunch the day of my deadline. Needless to say, that was a problem! Somehow, I got them done in time, however, but I’m going to have to remember this the next time I have to order Finecast from GW on a deadline…

Anyways, here they are! Just a basic Standard level paint job with OSL, but I think the effect brings a lot to them!

MGM Painting Firebelly Blue FrontMGM Painting Firebelly Blue back  MGM Painting Firebelly Green frontMGM Painting Firebelly Green back  MGM Painting Firebelly Orange frontMGM Painting Firebelly Orange back  MGM Painting Firebelly Purple frontMGM Painting Firebelly Purple back

Finished Reaper Annasha Tomebreaker




Here are finished pictures of a recent commission. I’ve got a few new models I’ve been working on. I also got a new camera! No more smartphone pictures! I had a semi-decent point-and-shoot, but the motor in the lense broke recently, leaving me with nothing but the camera on my Galaxy Note 3 phone. I found a deal on a Samsung NX300, and now I need to learn how to use it! Hopefully, I will be able to start posting better pictures of the models I have around and future models as well.

back fin

floor fin

front fin

side fin


I am working on a Kingdom Death Survivor as well as a Privateer Press Circle of Orboros Bradigus. After Bradigus, I should be painting a Khador Juggernaut and a GW Ogre Stonehorn conversion.

On another topic, I’m switching over from mostly Reaper paint to Vallejo Game Air and Badger Minitaire. I do still like Reaper paint, and I’m keeping quite a few of them…but I’ve been using mostly the same bottles of paint since I started painting in 2012, and a lot of them were running low, so I needed to  buy more paint anyways. I’ve tried a few Vallejo paints and I do really like them. Also, I’m making an effort to use my airbrush more in my work, and constantly having to thin Reaper paint was a bit of a pain. Vallejo Game Air is a new line or airbrush-ready paints designed with fantasy colors in mind, and so far I really like them. I haven’t tried the Minitaire line yet, but I will soon!

Ogre Slaughtermaster with Spellbook conversion

Here are final shots of a recent commission for a Warhammer Ogre Kingdoms Slaughtermaster with a gnoblar converted to hold a spellbook. It was a fairly simple conversion once I found a gnoblar with a mostly flat back. I just had to make the wooden stand and straps and find a suitable book. The book is from a Space Marines vehicle kit.

GW Ogre Slaughtermaster conversion Standard + with Level 1 basing

GW Ogre Slaughtermaster conversion Standard + with Level 1 basing

GW Ogre Slaughtermaster conversion Standard + with Level 1 basing

GW Ogre Slaughtermaster conversion Standard + with Level 1 basing

GW Ogre Slaughtermaster conversion Standard + with Level 1 basing

GW Ogre Slaughtermaster conversion Standard + with Level 1 basing

GW Ogre Slaughtermaster conversion Standard + with Level 1 basing

GW Ogre Slaughtermaster conversion Standard + with Level 1 basing

WIP Ogre Slaughtermaster

I’m in the middle of a pretty cool commission right now. It’s an Ogre Slaughtermaster with a gnoblar converted to hold a spellbook/ogre cookbook.

Here are some WIP shots:

book wip


ogre front wip ogre back wip gnoblar front wip gnoblar back wip

Converted Ogre Hunter

Recently, I painted a converted Warhammer Fantasy Ogre Hunter made from bits from the bulls and stonehorn boxes with a 50mm base I had sitting around. This model is intended to run in a unit of Sabretusks, which is something you don’t see very often!

front front b side sideb

Upcoming projects!

I’m going out of town for a few weeks, so I probably won’t be able to post much (if at all) during that time, but before I go I’ll put up a picture of a converted Ogre Hunter I’ve been working on. When I get back I have a commission for a beautiful Reaper Alastriel! It’s definitely one of my favorite Werner Klocke sculpts, and I’m really happy to have a reason to paint one.


Ogre Kingdoms Ironblaster

I just finished this Ogre Ironblaster. I was going for quick and simple, but this model is pretty much impossible to do quickly, lol. Also, all of those little details are just begging to be snapped off! I really like the model, but I’m not too keen on having to assemble another one for a little while! It was nerve-wracking, lol.

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

GW Ogre Ironblaster Standard with Level 2 base

In the next couple weeks I have a Lizardmen commission to complete – Skink Priest, Tetto’Eko, and skirmisher movement trays.

I will take step-by-step photos and post a how-to about the movement trays!

Before all that, however, I need to finish the Ogres project with the Limited Edition Bruiser/Tyrant.