Category Archives: Warmachine

Khador Juggernaut

I totally forgot to take WIP pictures as I did the base. I used Woodland Scenics Soft Flake Snow for the snow, and Woodland Scenics Water Effects with a little bit of VMC Verdigris glaze mixed in for the ice. In the future, I think I will use a white ink instead of the VMC paint so the ice is a bit more transparent.

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

WIP Khador Juggernaut

More WIP pictures! I brought back some of the metal highlights, highlighted paint chips, and worked on the visor.

WIP 6-26-15b

WIP 6-26-15c

WIP Khador Juggernaut

I did some work with my Secret Weapon weathering powders. I think they’re awesome, but I can tell I have a lot to learn!

WIP 6-24-15a

WIP 6-24-15b

WIP Khador Juggernaut

Here is another WIP of the Khador Juggernaut. At this point I have done salt and hairspray chipping, an oil wash, and some Secret Weapon weathering pigments (so far only on the arms, and not finished). I’ve learned a lot so far about weathering painting this model. It is the first one I’ve done this much weathering on.

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut WIP 6-23-15

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut WIP 6-23-15

WIP Khador Juggernaut

As usual I’m working on several projects at a time. I’m adding a Khador Juggernaut to my WIP pile. Here’s a shot after putting on some modulating rust colors. Some of this will show through when I do some chipping later on.

WIP 6-12-15

Warmachine Retribution Warjacks

Here are the finished ‘jacks that are part of a recent Standard level commission. The dark stony armor is my client’s color scheme. I reposed the Phoenix to have a “ninja” pose. Mostly that involved running a pin all the way through both hands (being sure to keep it going straight in the proper angle for holding the sword hilt!), cutting apart the sword, and pinning the sword parts on top of and on bottom of the hands. I had to shorten the hilt as the bottom hand would be holding that part. The trickiest part was putting all that together at an angle that would still allow the arms to attach to the body and shoulder pads properly, as well as not impact with the legs. The Manticore and Moros are not reposed. I do really like that new Moros model!

MGM Painting Retribution Manticore Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Manticore Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Manticore Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Manticore Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Manticore Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Manticore Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Moros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Reposed Phoenix Standard

Warmachine Retribution Warcasters

Here are the finished pictures of the warcasters in a recent Gaming Standard Warmachine Retribution commission. The color scheme of rocky grey armor and forest green is my client’s. Soon I can post the jacks for this commission as well!

MGM Painting Retribution Dawnlord Vyros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Dawnlord Vyros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Dawnlord Vyros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Dawnlord Vyros Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Issyria Sibyl of Dawn Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Issyria Sibyl of Dawn Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Issyria Sibyl of Dawn Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Issyria Sibyl of Dawn Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Lord Arcanist Ossyan Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Lord Arcanist Ossyan Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Lord Arcanist Ossyan Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Lord Arcanist Ossyan Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Vyros Incissar of the Dawnguard Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Vyros Incissar of the Dawnguard Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Vyros Incissar of the Dawnguard Standard

MGM Painting Retribution Vyros Incissar of the Dawnguard Standard

WIP Warmachine Retribution Warcasters

Here are some quick shots of a gaming standard Retribution warcaster commission: Dawnlord Vyros, Issyria Sibyl of Dawn, Lord Arcanist Ossyan, and Vyros Incissar of the Dawnguard. These models are part of a larger lot, but they are the models I am painting first. My client’s color scheme involves rocky armor, which is something I hadn’t seen anyone do before. I will be painting some ‘jacks coming up, and hopefully more Retribution models for this army down the line.

Warcasters WIP 5-1-15a Warcasters WIP 5-1-15b

Privateer Press Circle of Orboros Warpwolf Stalker

This was another recent commission to go along with the Riphorn Satyr. I’m glad to have been able to paint this model and the Satyr so I have some idea about what they are like while I make plans for my own Circle of Orboros army as I’ll probably include both models in my list options.

MGM Painting CoO Warpwolf Stalker Commission A

MGM Painting CoO Warpwolf Stalker Commission B

MGM Painting CoO Warpwolf Stalker Commission C

Privateer Press Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr

Here are some quick pictures of a basic Standard level commission I recently did of a Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr. I really like most of the CoO models, and this was no exception!

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard

Circle of Orboros Riphorn Satyr Standard