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WIP: Dark Angels Company Masters and Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragon

I finished up the two Company Masters, which means I have one for sale again. I’ll take some good pictures of it soon and put it up on the For Sale! page.

Here are the pictures in my spray booth!






Here’s the next model I’m working on – Reaper Pathfinder Red Dragon:


2 assembled, based


WIP: Dark Angels Company Masters cont.

Just a quick update. I got a chance to do some work on the Company Masters today, and here is their stopping point. I plan to finish them tomorrow.


Looking at the minis it wasn’t clear to me before, but seeing them now in pictures it’s pretty obvious I need to do more highlights on those cloaks!

WIP: Dark Angels Company Masters

So I took a quick commission for a DA Company Master like one I painted previously. In order to be as efficient with my time as possible, I decided to paint a second one alongside it, and the second one will be for sale when it is finished. I’m doing these two a bit differently than the last one (more airbrush and pre-shading), and hopefully the results will be even cleaner, neater, and better overall than the last.

After priming, I airbrushed black where the shadows should be, and I airbrushed white in highlighted areas and anywhere that should be a focal point.



Next, I airbrushed the armor RMS Leaf Green.



The pre-shading did an excellent job of establishing shadows in the green. The next step for me was to airbrush a highlight on the armor with RMS Pale Green.

Since the models weren’t yet assembled at this point, I wanted to focus on the areas that were difficult to paint properly when assembled so that I could put the models together – the sword, jump-pack, and head.

First, I decided not to bother with trying to wet-blend the swords like last time. It was a lot of bother the last time, and I only did that for the sake of practice. This time, as efficiency is one of my main concerns, the swords were to be airbrushed. I masked half of each side of each blade, and starting with the darkest colors, sprayed the gradient. First was 1:1 VMA Black and VMC Dark Prussian Blue (I just purchased that paint, and I am absolutely in love with that color!), then VMC Dark Prussian Blue over the whole blade except where it was to be white, then RMS True Blue in the mid-tones, then VMA White. 9




After that, I painted in the eyes VMC Carmine Red (another color I really love), and washed the helms GW Biel Tan Green.



Then I washed the jump-packs with GW Biel Tan Green, except where the highest lights are.

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I also washed the arms.



After that, I was able to assembled the models, and here is their current stopping point:


WIP: Games Workshop Dark Angels Company Master cont.

Finally got some time to finish up the NMM gold on the Company Master. The colors I used are RMS Muddy Brown, RMS Chestnut Gold, RMS Palomino Gold, RMS Golden Highlight, and VMS Smoke.



Here’s the result:


WIP: Games Workshop Dark Angels Company Master cont.

I’ve been super busy lately with holiday prep stuff, so I haven’t had as much time to paint as I’d like. I did get a little work done on the Company Master though. I worked a little more on his sword, and I began basecoating the areas that will be gold.



The girls say hi!



And this little angel is part of what has kept me so busy!


WIP: Games Workshop Dark Angels Company Master cont.

I started on the wet-blending on the sword:



I also changed the color of the wings on his helmet and basecoated the little bit of leather he has. Soon I will finish the sword, leather bits, NMM gold details, and then do the base. This model has really been one that looks messy until it comes together in the end, and I’m nearing the end so it better come together!

WIP: Games Workshop Dark Angels Company Master cont.

I got a little more work done on the Company Master today. I worked up the highlights on the robes a bit higher, and I darkened the shadows on the cloak a bit. I also started painting the insignia and other details. Don’t worry about the blue on the sword, it obviously isn’t done yet!


WIP: Games Workshop Dark Angels Company Master

The next model I am painting is a Company Master from the Dark Vengeance set.

First thing I filled a small gap on his cloak with Humbrol Model Filler. For simple gaps that stuff is easier to use than green stuff. Also, it dries very quickly and is easily sandable. After that I primed him with Vallejo Surface Primer in grey and attached him to a simple cork base.



Next thing was to basecoat the red cloak in RMA Mahogany and the green armor in RMS Leaf Green mixed with black. I highlighted up the cloak with VMC Carmine Red and RMS Oiled Leather. I highlighted up the armor with more RMS Leaf Green and RMS Pure White.

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Honestly, this model is a bit of a nightmare to paint completely assembled, but trying to assemble it afterwards is scary, too, as I’d be afraid I’d scratch the paint! In order to attach any of it together the two body pieces and head piece had to go together at the same time, so the only piece it was even practical to leave off was the pack. More tomorrow!