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Reaper 03548 Twyla Female Hellborn Warrior

Here is a gaming standard commission I just finished. She was a lot of fun to paint. Before I started, I did a quick search to find picture of painted versions of her because when bare metal her face looked…wonky…and I wanted to have some idea of what I was dealing with. Turns out there are next to no painted pictures of her out there. It also turned out that her face wasn’t wonky! She just had an awesome smirk. It’s so hard to tell what things are sometimes when they’re shiny metal! Anyways, here she is. I hope you all like her!

MGM Painting Reaper Twyla Hellborn Warrior

MGM Painting Reaper 03548 Twyla Hellborn Warrior 4-18-16A

MGM Painting Reaper Twyla Hellborn Warrior

MGM Painting Reaper 03548 Twyla Hellborn Warrior 4-18-16B

MGM Painting Reaper Twyla Hellborn Warrior

MGM Painting Reaper 03548 Twyla Hellborn Warrior 4-18-16C

MGM Painting Reaper Twyla Hellborn Warrior

MGM Painting Reaper 03548 Twyla Hellborn Warrior 4-18-16D


Arcadia Quest Heroes

So it’s been a while since I’ve updated. I entered models in 2015’s Capital Palette at the NOVA Open, and my Nocturna Huntress took 1st in Fantasy Large, my Reaper Finari took 3rd in Fantasy Single, and my Knight Models The Flash took 3rd in Sci-Fi Single. I’ll put pictures of them, and a lot of other models I’ve done since then, up soon. In the mean time, here are some pictures of an Arcadia Quest commission I just finished! These were SO much fun. I have two more Arcadia Quest commissions for later this spring and summer, so I will end up painting pretty much all the rest of the figures as well. Also, for commission scheduling…In case you are looking at having a project done, I am now 100% booked in March and April. I have a couple spots for smaller projects in May and June. I am again 100% booked in July and August. After that is much more open, although the first part of September is also full.


MGM Painting Arcadia Quest Heroes 2-26-16 A1 MGM Painting Arcadia Quest Heroes 2-26-16 A2 MGM Painting Arcadia Quest Heroes 2-26-16 B1 MGM Painting Arcadia Quest Heroes 2-26-16 B2 MGM Painting Arcadia Quest Heroes 2-26-16 C1 MGM Painting Arcadia Quest Heroes 2-26-16 C2

Khador Juggernaut

I totally forgot to take WIP pictures as I did the base. I used Woodland Scenics Soft Flake Snow for the snow, and Woodland Scenics Water Effects with a little bit of VMC Verdigris glaze mixed in for the ice. In the future, I think I will use a white ink instead of the VMC paint so the ice is a bit more transparent.

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut Standard++

WIP Khador Juggernaut

More WIP pictures! I brought back some of the metal highlights, highlighted paint chips, and worked on the visor.

WIP 6-26-15b

WIP 6-26-15c

WIP Khador Juggernaut

I did some work with my Secret Weapon weathering powders. I think they’re awesome, but I can tell I have a lot to learn!

WIP 6-24-15a

WIP 6-24-15b

WIP Khador Juggernaut

Here is another WIP of the Khador Juggernaut. At this point I have done salt and hairspray chipping, an oil wash, and some Secret Weapon weathering pigments (so far only on the arms, and not finished). I’ve learned a lot so far about weathering painting this model. It is the first one I’ve done this much weathering on.

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut WIP 6-23-15

MGM Painting Khador Juggernaut WIP 6-23-15

Another difference time makes

Time and practice can make a huge difference in your painting. Today, I looked back at a model I painted about a year ago that I just painted another of. They are Reaper Finari. Although I painted another Finari in between them, it was a commission with a specific time budget and paint quality, and so it really can’t be compared. The yellow and blue Finari was painted in February 2014, and the teal and purple Finari I just finished in June 2015.

Finari compilation

MGM Painting Reaper Finari Display

MGM Painting Reaper Finari Display

WIP Reaper Finari

Working on the sword…

WIP 6-12-15c

WIP Khador Juggernaut

As usual I’m working on several projects at a time. I’m adding a Khador Juggernaut to my WIP pile. Here’s a shot after putting on some modulating rust colors. Some of this will show through when I do some chipping later on.

WIP 6-12-15

WIP Reaper Finari

Here are more quick WIP shots of my Reaper Finari. I’m just trying out the red hair, not sure if it’s going to stay or not. I’ve done more work on her teal armor, specifically making parts of the back shinier and adding reflected light. I’ve hit a point where for most of this model working on it further just feels like fiddling.

MGM Painting Reaper Finari WIP

MGM Painting Reaper Finari WIP

MGM Painting Reaper Finari WIP

MGM Painting Reaper Finari WIP