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GW River Trolls done!

I finished the GW River Trolls! Unfortunately, I’m still without a decent camera since my camera broke, but I think these could be worse!

Overall, I liked these models. The spikes worried me constantly, as though I was about to break one off any second, but they were actually pretty resilient. Also, I was able to do more by airbrush than I usually do, which was a nice change. I do with I had been able to do more with the basing, but I needed to keep it pretty simple. Also, these models take up almost their entire base, so if they were going to be on gaming bases there wasn’t much room anyways.

GW River Trolls Standard with Level 2 basing

GW River Trolls Standard with Level 2 basing

GW River Trolls Standard with Level 2 basing

GW River Trolls Standard with Level 2 basing


GW River Trolls Standard with Level 2 basing

GW River Trolls Standard with Level 2 basing