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New photos!

A few days ago I bought a cheap ($30) but useful tabletop photo studio off, and tonight I finally got a chance to set it up and try it out.

I took new photos of the Skink unit I recently painted:

Final Skinks 1b Final Skinks 2b Final Skinks 3b


I also took some decent photos of the two Fenrisian Wolf Packs that I recently painted:

Pack 1

Pack 1 final


Pack 2

Pack 2 Final


Overall I think the tabletop studio is very useful and was certainly a good purchase, but I think I need at least one more light to fill the front of the space. It came with two lights, and they just aren’t able to fill the entire space with light on their own. Ideally, I think I would have 4 lights, but I’m going to try 3 first.