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Stone and Skull Scibor Resin bases

Recently, I painted a set of 18 resin Scibor bases for a unit of Dwarfs that I painted previously.

The first thing I did was wrap some craft sticks in painter’s tape, and then put the bases on the stick for airbrushing. This is probably the easiest way to hold them for airbrushing, and it can really help speed up the process.

1 bare bases set on sticks for airbrushing

Then, I primed them with black Vallejo Surface Primer.

2 primed black

Next, they were drybrushed with a medium grey.

3 drybrush cloudy grey

After, they were washed first with Army Painter Green Tone ink…

4 wash army painter green tone

Then with Army Painter Purple Tone ink. Adding many layers of unexpected colors can help create depth and interest. Many other colors would be fine to use, just go with what feels right to you. I wanted the overall result to be cool colors with the skulls really standing out, so I thought blue, purple, and green would be great hues to include. The Dwarfs have quite a bit of blue on their own though, so I left that color out of the bases.

5 wash army painter purple tone

Then they were drubrushed again with RMS Cloudy Grey.

6 drybrush cloudy grey

Next, the skulls alone were heavily drybrushed with RMS Cloudy Grey to pick them out.

7 pick out skulls cloudy grey drybrush

Then the skulls were drybrushed heavily with a mix of RMS Cloudy Grey and RMS Amber Gold to gradually bring them to their final color, but still keep them tied into the base overall.

8 drybrush skulls mix of cloudy grey and amber gold

Then, the bases were washed in some areas with GW Agrax Earthshade and GW Seraphim Sepia, and the skulls were drybrushed with RMS Yellowed Bone.

9 a little sepia and earthshade on bases and drybrush yellowed bone on skulls

The skulls were then washed with GW Seraphim Sepia.

10 wash skulls sepia

After that I picked out some areas of the stone with a light drybrush of VMC Light Sea Grey, which has quickly become one of my favorite paints.

11 drybrush pick out some edges of bases vmc light sea grey

After that all that was left was to black out the edges and take them off the sticks.

12 black out edges and remove from sticks

Then attach the Dwarfs!

13 attach dwarfs


This whole process was very fast and very simple, but the results speak for themselves!